Monday, December 29, 2008

LED Signs Maximize Retail Business Profits

LED Signs Maximize Retail Business Profits
by Eric Stevens

What is the one thing that ALL retail stores have in common? Think hard... what do all retail stores have regardless of the type of product they are selling. Whether it's a toy STORE or a Jewelry STORE or a Tire STORE???

Get the picture? ALL retail stores have a STORE. Another word commonly used in place of store is LOCATION. ALL stores are in a LOCATION. In fact most business owners and major corporations pay premium dollars to locate their stores in a high-traffic, extremely visible commercial building on the busiest street in town.

If you were to relocate one of these businesses to a rural farm road somewhere in Idaho what would happen? That's right, they would go out of business because there were not enough people in the vicinity to support the retail operation.

So, we know that we need people or a population for a business to function, that's common sense... or is it? What if we built our business underground to save a few bucks on the high cost of premium commercial real estate. Let's say we located our new retail operation in the busiest city in America right under the busiest street in the city? what would happen? There are plenty of people around right? But how will they find us if they can't see us?

The point is that it's not enough to have a great location. We have to pull people into the store and that is what we are after. 100,000 people passing by you location everyday won't do anything for you if they aren't coming in to your store.

LED Signs are the best way to reach the people outside your business and pull them inside your business where they can buy your products and services.

For more information on how LED Signs can help you reach your passing traffic check out iCatch Displays.